
Showing posts from 2018

Best of LiquifyLife - July

This post is going to cover some of the best posts over the month of July! These posts range from our most viewed to our personal favorites. The month of July has been a real busy one for me and I have enjoyed every second of it. I have traveled the world for study abroad and hung out with my friends and family. It has truly been a great break from the fast-paced school year. Although, this has been a fun and eventful summer I have also enjoyed this class. I have really enjoyed writing blog posts over this last month. I think that it has been a very interesting and therapeutic experience for me. I think that after this class is done I will start up my own blog as a way for me to vent and talk about my life. Over the past month, I have received various views from across the country and wanted to touch on the top 5 most viewed over the last month. This month I was able to talk about how I feel and my hopes for the world in the future and I found it very enjoyable. I hope that over the ...

10 Interesting Facts About Recycling That You Should Know

10 Interesting Facts About Recycling That You Should Know 10 Interesting Facts About Recycling That You Should Know By Richard Burdett We all talk about making positive changes that will benefit the environment. Though the government is making constant efforts to help the surroundings, it is also our individual responsibility to decrease pollution. While burning of fuels is a major cause for pollution, burning waste and tyres which are out of use is also a grave threat that has occurred due to lack of recycling. Recycling is an essential step to take in a country where the waste produced exceeds in tonnes. According to the Waste Atlas Platform, about 30 million tonnes of waste is produced in the UK every year. This waste just doesn't fall on the earth. We are responsible for this waste generation and it is high time that we own up to our mistakes and start taking relevant steps to improve the state of the environment. Recycling the produce is a way begin. When we compare th...

4 Ways to Drive Sales Through the Roof With Eco-Friendly Promotional Products

4 Ways to Drive Sales Through the Roof With Eco-Friendly Promotional Products 4 Ways to Drive Sales Through the Roof With Eco-Friendly Promotional Products By Rob Stillman Save this article to your desktop because the four techniques described here will teach you how to use eco-friendly promotional items to increase your sales. Incorporating eco-friendly promotional items into your marketing mix has become a no-brainer for many companies because of their growing popularity, mass appeal and the all-important cost-per-impression data associated with them. The following four points should serve as a concrete foundation for utilizing eco-friendly promotional products to their full effectiveness. 1. Ask for referrals When was the last time you asked your current customers for a referral? Three months ago? Last year? Never crossed your mind? Fact is, while this is one of the easiest ways to expand your current customer base many sales people simply forget or discount the effectivenes...

Can Eco Friendly Product Packaging Lead to More Profits For Your Product?

Can Eco Friendly Product Packaging Lead to More Profits For Your Product? Can Eco Friendly Product Packaging Lead to More Profits For Your Product? By Kevin A Since the late 1980s and the early 1990s the phrase "going green" has emerged as a term to reckon with. Advances in industrial technology has led to a dump yard of toxic components which is polluting the environment and disturbing our eco-system. More recently, countries all over the world have woken up to the challenge of going green. Retailers have been the first to respond by their introduction. The "Go Green" philosophy has forced us to re-think even our methods of packaging and discover more eco-friendly ways to package our products. Companies that have adopted such systems are making a loud and clear statement to the world. These companies are saying they care for the future of our world and will do their little bit to conserve the world's resources. Definition Eco-friendly packaging is pack...

What is better for the environment?

There is often a common misconception for those that are advocating for the environment. This post is going to be a debate between two very common routes you can take. Reusing and recycling. These two options both provide the environment with healthy alternatives to ways that we are polluting the Earth. Recycling is an alternative that allows us to break down our various recyclable products and use them again. This is a good choice compared to just throwing away something. Although this is the better alternative between throwing it away, it still requires the use of a lot of energy. Obviously, this is a fantastic alternative and is better for the environment, but I promote to use this only when absolutely necessary. Reusing a product is definitely a good alternative to limit the amount of energy that we continue use. I think that this option is best because it makes us accountable and only buy and use what we need. This is an option that also allows us to be creative with the produ...

What if all products were eco-friendly?

There are many different directions and choices that a company must decide on when coming up with their approach. Many companies loosely follow regulations for the environment. If there were greater regulations and precautions, they could help improve the environment and start a nationwide movement.  I know that these companies have a lot to weight in their decision . It is essential that they compare both prices and regulations, but the environment needs to be put at a higher priority. Many companies are aware of the fact that what they do is not benefiting the Earth. I think that as the consumer, we have way more pull in what companies do than we like to think. If we stop supporting companies that pollute the environment or produce more waste than is necessary, we can change the way that they operate. What if there was a rule in place that made companies follow more serious regulations? The possibilities could be endless. The choices that companies have can greatly affect the c...

Recycle vs Compost

This post is going to go into depth on the comparison of two very good options that help aid in the improvement of our world. Both recycling and composting are good alternatives to your everyday lifestyle, that can make a HUGE difference when it comes to the environment. Recycling is a way that we are able to reuse materials (paper, glass, plastic, etc.) for similar or varying purposes in the future. This is a very common option for most people and it does make a big difference compared to those that don't recycle. Although, this is a good option it also has some downsides to it. The process of recycling requires a lot of energy. Composting is a process that turns organic materials into nutrient-rich soil or fertilizer. I don't believe that this is one of the more common practices, but it still can play an important role in improving the environment. This process allows you to get rid of some of your food waste from your kitchen, leaves, grass, and many other things. This ...

The Problem with Reusable Cups

As you know on many of my past posts I STRONGLY advocate for the use of reusable cups and I still stand by them. Although, I strongly support them, they are not perfect. Reusable cups are made out of plastic and are designed with the purpose of creating less plastic waste. This is a product that has provided us with a lot of good because it is eliminating the amount of plastic waste that we produce each year, but as I mentioned before there are still flaws to a seemingly perfect invention. Although, the goal is to decrease the amount of plastic, there is still a HUGE amount being used to produce these products. It would be beneficial for companies that produce these products switch to an even more eco-friendly material. Along with the overuse of plastic there are some other hidden problems that can come along with reusable cups. As an avid used of these types of cups, I have noticed a increase in the amount of mold present. I use these cups to drink water and it had never crossed ...

Hope for the Future

Throughout the world, there are MANY opportunities for each of us to help improve the environment. I believe that if we are able to continually make steps in the right direction, that there is hope for the future. As I have mentioned in many previous posts, there and tons of things that we can do to better the environment. I've seen people that are discouraged by the state that we are currently in, but I'm here to tell you that change is way easier than you may expect. Although, there are many areas that we need to improve on, there is still  HOPE . I believe that we can work together to change the outcome of our future. In my own life, I have seen the effect that recycling, carpooling, and the monitoring of our energy use, can play on my own life, just imagine if this was something everyone did. If it was normal for people to do all of these things, the amount of pollution and energy waste would decrease drastically. Something that is easy and will not only decrease your en...

Interview with Rexie Lanier

For today's post, I thought that I'd switch it up a little bit and give you some insight in an interview style, from another person's perspective of the environmental state of our country. I spoke with Rexie Lanier, a Literacy Specialist at Unit 5 School District in IL. She is a big advocate for the environment and has a lot of experience with recycling and other environmentally conscious activities in both her school district and in her town. Me : So, are there currently any school sponsored recycling programs at your school district? If there is, do you think this has helped increase the environment of your community? Rexie : There isn't a district wide program that I know of, but we do have recycling in each and every one of our schools. And even though we aren't actively implementing a program, the recycling we do have in our schools, I feel has made a positive difference. In schools, kids are given many assignments and paper handouts from teachers, if...

Dianna Cohen (Plastic Pollution Coalition)

There are MANY successful people in the environmentally friendly niche that are continuing to change the world. For this post I am going to go into depth over someone who has made many great improvements for this niche. The women I am going to be lightly speaking about is Dianna Cohen . She is the co-founder of Plastic Pollution Coalition , which is a group that is working towards a world FREE of plastic pollution. As you know there has been a lot of publicity in the media lately over the disapproval of plastic straws. This comes along with the controversy of that as well. Dianna Cohen and the Plastic Pollution Coalition have started this nationwide spread over plastic straws and the possible solutions. This past week I was in Florida with my family and it was evident that this change is being  SUCCESSFULLY enacted across the country and world. At one of the restaurants there was a sign that mentioned there was a plastic straw ban. In many of the restaurants we went to there...

Critique of Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley is a VERY successful women in the movie industry. She has also been known to be an activist for many different causes. This post is going to be a subtle critique on the way that Shailene Woodley goes about her activism. I think that she has done a fantastic job of getting the word out for many different causes, but may have gone about it the wrong way. She is someone with a HUGE  platform and HUGE following, which makes it easy for people to see what she is doing. There have been a few cases where she has been arrested and seen in various interviews talking about her positions. As someone in the limelight, I think that she has a much greater responsibility in presenting these issues responsibly. Many people see celebrities as those to look at, but not speak. I don't think that's how it should be, but that is how it has been. As a celebrity, I think she has to be aware of the way it can come off in the media. When celebrities present their ideas, they ...

Recycle, Compost, or Reuse?

On this post I am going to be discussing the post from the blog called Eco Warrior Princess called  16 Everyday Items That You Probably Didn’t Know You Could Recycle or Compost  . I decided to share this post with you all because I thought that it was extremely INTERESTING and HELPFUL . I am always trying to learn more simple ways that I can help improve the environment and I think that you will all greatly benefit from tis information. Although, I am a huge advocate for recycling, I'm not perfect when it comes to knowing exactly what can and can't be disposed of. There are many, many things listed here that I simply had no idea. This list mentions mattresses, corks, and so much more that I had zero clue. After reading this article I came across this IMPORTANT quote: "We recommend reusing, repurposing and upcycling items before disposing of, discarding and recycling materials. In fact, we urge people to consume less as the initial course of action, and ditch d...

Year in Review

The future is BRIGHT . Many people may not agree, but the HOPE for CHANGE is coming. This Year in Review is about my hope for the future and how social media is changing our position in the mainstream media. I am thankful that we have the technology and means to establish this information in our society. The free-flowing information provides easy access to all of the desired parties. Many companies have been under fire in the media for their bad business decisions. This has ostracized many companies from performing at their peak. Social media has been a blessing in reporting and spreading people's wrongdoing, but not without a cost. As we know the media has a history of spreading things without fact checking. It in turn causes a detrimental issue. This can be a huge problem because it can cause irreversible damage to person or companies name. In cases of promoting companies doing the right thing, this is free and easy advertising for them. Although this problem has caused iss...

Review of MudLove Bracelets

There are many successful companies in this niche, but one that I'm going to review is MudLove and their bracelets. MudLove is a company very similar to my own, where each purchase of a product goes towards providing clean water to those in need. Their products are made out of clay or "mud". Their company and product are helping to spread hope to the hopeless. In my opinion, something that makes this product and company so SPECIAL is their ability to give back. I usually have trouble spending money on myself, but when I realize that my money goes towards someone in need, it's a no-brainer. I personally own many bracelets from MudLove and they are a very high-quality product. The product itself is adjustable, so that it can fit to many different people. I like how you are able to personalize the product to your liking or even get a group order on their products. MudLove bracelets are a fun way to spice up a bracelet stack and a good way to show off your personal...

The Lack of Awareness in Society

This post's title comes off a little strong. There are many things that this society is doing right, but when it comes to the environment it  CLEARLY  has not always a priority. I am IRRITATED . I am ANNOYED . Many people are willing to place blame onto others (generations, countries), but are unwilling to step up and create a change for the well-being of our future. The future of our world is in the hands of those that are willing to stand up and demand BETTER . As I have mentioned very many times, there are so many simple ways that we can get involved and make a difference. Although it may seem as though these few changes won't make a difference,  THEY DO . In the mainstream media, people ARE advocating for what is right, whether that be by promoting donation pages, or many other ideas, but I feel as though those have not made a difference. In my opinion, those pages show people issues, but they don't make them feel personal, so they are easily written off and fo...

5 Easy Ways to Clean Up the Environment

Many people are interested in helping clean up the Earth, but may not know where to start. This post is something I made to hopefully make it a little bit easier for you. My mission here is to give you some simple ideas that will make a positive impact on the environment even if it's just a small change. 1. Recycle -  I know many people say this ALL of the time, but this is one of the easiest things you can do to help. The number of recyclable items that end up in landfills or in the ocean is astounding. If each person made an effort to recycle those things (paper, plastic, glass, etc.) it would eliminate a huge amount of the waste that we produce.  2. Support Companies that are Eco-Friendly -  I know this WAY easier said than done. Many companies are aware of the fact that what they do is not benefiting the Earth. I think that as the consumer, we have way more pull in what companies do than we like to think. If we stop supporting companies that pollute the envi...

Background Story of LiquifyLife Eco Company

On this post I want to dive a little bit deeper into the background of my idea to start LiquifyLife Eco Company and our niche. Growing up I have always been extremely aware of the growing endangered species and risks the environment and Earth are going through. A few years back there was the BP oil spill and that had a HUGE impact on the ocean and the environment.  I remember how normal people made the incident seem and it simply blew my mind. I understood that these things can happen, but I knew there should be more safety precautions so it doesn't happen and repercussions for if these things were to happen. Around the world many people are coming to this same realization. It is time to take a stand NOW . In the past few months, plastic straws have made a huge buzz across the country. Many people are standing up and demanding that companies change how they do straws. This sudden increase in awareness helped me realize that there was a niche that we could really mak...

How do I get involved?

Getting involved is something that plays a HUGE  role in the success of a business like this. It is essential and critical to the improvement and widespread growth of this product. To get involved there are many different options available to you. In the future we are going to be launching our ambassador program. This program is an opportunity for you and your friends to become a part of our company as well as helping promote our brand. We will be launching the application for this program in the next few weeks. If you are chosen you will be given a free product of your choosing along with many other benefits. All of these will be given to you in the promise that you help in promoting our business. An option for you would be to promote our product through your various forms of social media, but the decision is ENTIRELY  up to you! If you decide you don't want to apply for our ambassador program there are still so many ways that you can get involved in our company o...

About Me!

Hi readers! My name is Alexis Lanier and I created LiquifyLife Eco Company. This company allows me to reach into my creative side and imagine how one idea can change the world.  I'm a curious and motivated learner, going into my senior year of college.   I am studying Business Administration and Human Resources. These two areas of business are both very important to my company's success and also pay a big role in my decision to start this company. I am a very strong advocate for doing what is right and with this business and our reusable items made out of recyclable materials will help improve the quality of life for those that we share the planet with along with ourselves. The world around us is becoming more and more environmentally conscious and it is definitely an important issue that needs to be resolved. This company solves a problem that many people have ignored for far too long. Our hope is to improve the awareness that our actions can have consequences and it is o...