Critique of Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley is a VERY successful women in the movie industry. She has also been known to be an activist for many different causes. This post is going to be a subtle critique on the way that Shailene Woodley goes about her activism.

I think that she has done a fantastic job of getting the word out for many different causes, but may have gone about it the wrong way. She is someone with a HUGE platform and HUGE following, which makes it easy for people to see what she is doing. There have been a few cases where she has been arrested and seen in various interviews talking about her positions.

As someone in the limelight, I think that she has a much greater responsibility in presenting these issues responsibly. Many people see celebrities as those to look at, but not speak. I don't think that's how it should be, but that is how it has been. As a celebrity, I think she has to be aware of the way it can come off in the media. When celebrities present their ideas, they are often seen as though they are complaining and that they have no right to feel that way.

As I have mentioned before, I think that celebrities have every right to advocate for various causes. I just think that there is an added responsibility to present those ideas in the right manner. This can make things a little more difficult and may prevent people from taking action in the future.


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