Acrylic Double-Wall Tumbler

The next best thing to hit the eco-friendly market... LiquifyLife Eco Company's Acrylic Double-Wall Tumbler!

"This product has changed my life! I can't imagine my life without it! It keeps my drinks hot/cold longer than any other cup I've ever had, as well as, being good for the environment. It truly is a win-win!"

This product is new and will be a pivotal change to the current status of the environment. The products that we use can ultimately play a huge affect in the health of our environment. If we continue to use products that require too much plastic or use non-eco friendly materials, we will aid in the destruction of our home. It is essential that we choose products that stand for and support the health of our planet.

The benefit of having this product is not only for yourself, but also benefits the environment.

Around the world many people are coming to this same realization. It is time to take a stand now. In the past few months, plastic straws have made a huge buzz across the country. Many people are standing up and demanding that companies change how they do straws. Along with this the knowledge of reusable items have been promoted as well. This sudden increase in awareness helped our company realize that there was a difference that we could make in the community.

Our product taps into this eco-friendly market by creating a product that is at a high demand. The LiquifyLife Eco Company makes all of our reusable products out of completely recycled materials. This in turn creates less plastic waste in our environments. Along with the recyclable materials, a percentage of our sales on each product goes back into our charities and the environment. The difference that makes this product so special is that we care The hope for our future relies on us.

This product was designed to help solve the continuous problem of waste. As a society we are constantly producing waste. We need to be able to find ways to limit the production of waste and then find responsible ways to get rid of it. Over the course of the article we will dive into the different areas and ways you can adjust your life to limit waste. Limiting the amount of waste we produce will in turn help us live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

"I love tumblers! This product allows me to bring my coffee with me and stays warm all day! It is truly amazing. I highly recommend this product!"

Let's start at the root of the problem. Many companies often over package their products, creating a huge additional amount of waste. The plastic waste in this country is unbelievable! This product as well as many others are in place to help eliminate this waste. This is a fantastic way to create a better environment for the world.

This product has been reasonably priced for your connivence for the price of $16.79!
The price is so reasonable for this product. If you were to purchase multiple packs of water, you're going to need to purchase more often and at a more expensive price over time. I want you to think about the amount of plastic waste that you are continuing to bring into this world. This simple change in your life can eliminate that completely.

"This tumbler was the perfect gift for my mom last Christmas! She says it does a great job of keeping her coffee warm, and her other drinks cold for hours!"

Many people will use a new plastic water bottle everyday. These in turn end up in recycling or in the dump creating more waste for the environment. If you switch over to a reusable cup it will greatly decrease your waste. Although there are many products like this that are made out of plastic, having one compared to a new one everyday, will make a difference. Changing the cups you use to a recyclable or reusable version allows you to produce less plastic waste in the environment.

My name is Alexis Lanier and I created LiquifyLife Eco Company. This company allows me to reach into my creative side and imagine how one idea can change the world. I'm a curious and motivated learner, going into my senior year of college. I am studying Business Administration and Human Resources. These two areas of business are both very important to my company's success and also pay a big role in my decision to start this company. I am a very strong advocate for doing what is right and with this business and our reusable items made out of recyclable materials will help improve the quality of life for those that we share the planet with along with ourselves. The world around us is becoming more and more environmentally conscious and it is definitely an important issue that needs to be resolved. This company solves a problem that many people have ignored for far too long. Our hope is to improve the awareness that our actions can have consequences and it is our responsibility to do something positive with that. There is always something that we can do to help those around us and it is in the best interest of everyone to help out and make life a little easier!

"I use my LiquifyLife tumbler everyday to carry my water or coffee. I think that it is easily one of my better purchases because it enables me to have the connivance of a travel cup, without the guilt of being wasteful."

If you sign up for our email list we will send you a discount code to save 20% on your first purchase from us! We want to continue and grow our relationship with you and hope to have a life lasting relationship with you! We pride ourselves on our community wide network of people that use our reusable products.

You can purchase our cup directly from this link and join the nationwide community of reusable cups:

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