5 Easy Ways to Clean Up the Environment

Many people are interested in helping clean up the Earth, but may not know where to start. This post is something I made to hopefully make it a little bit easier for you. My mission here is to give you some simple ideas that will make a positive impact on the environment even if it's just a small change.

1. Recycle I know many people say this ALL of the time, but this is one of the easiest things you can do to help. The number of recyclable items that end up in landfills or in the ocean is astounding. If each person made an effort to recycle those things (paper, plastic, glass, etc.) it would eliminate a huge amount of the waste that we produce. 

2. Support Companies that are Eco-Friendly I know this WAY easier said than done. Many companies are aware of the fact that what they do is not benefiting the Earth. I think that as the consumer, we have way more pull in what companies do than we like to think. If we stop supporting companies that pollute the environment or produce more waste than is necessary, we can change the way that they operate. 

3. Use a Reusable Water Bottle This is another one of the simplest ways you can make a difference in the environment. If you purchase a reusable water bottle think of how much plastic and waste you are saving the planet. Along with the extreme amount of plastic waste normal water bottles produce, it also requires a HUGE amount of energy to recycle. Although recycling is better for the environment than throwing away bottles, it is BEST to limit the waste and recycling we have to do. 

4. Turn off Lights Leaving the lights on in a room when you aren't using them is a huge cost and waste of electricity. The power and energy it takes can easily be cut down if you were to turn off the lights when leaving a room. This is a simple and easy way to cut back and make a difference. 

5. Bike or Carpool I know that this isn't always an option for everyone, but it is definitely something to be considered. Biking is something that can change your entire lifestyle, as well as, help the environment. Carpooling is something that limits the amount of gas and emissions that enter the environment. These two ways are helpful and can create a big change for the planet.

I hope that after you have read this post you have learned a little bit more on some of the things you can do to help out the environment. Although this post only touches on a few of the things you can do, they can make a BIG difference.

If you interested in purchasing your own LiquifyLife reusable water bottle and other eco-friendly products visit our website https://www.cafepress.com/liquifylifeecocompany


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