Interview with Rexie Lanier

For today's post, I thought that I'd switch it up a little bit and give you some insight in an interview style, from another person's perspective of the environmental state of our country. I spoke with Rexie Lanier, a Literacy Specialist at Unit 5 School District in IL. She is a big advocate for the environment and has a lot of experience with recycling and other environmentally conscious activities in both her school district and in her town.

Me: So, are there currently any school sponsored recycling programs at your school district? If there is, do you think this has helped increase the environment of your community?

Rexie: There isn't a district wide program that I know of, but we do have recycling in each and every one of our schools. And even though we aren't actively implementing a program, the recycling we do have in our schools, I feel has made a positive difference. In schools, kids are given many assignments and paper handouts from teachers, if we didn't have recycling, we would be wasting a huge amount of paper.

Me: Is there anything that you recommend your school district or yourself do to better the environment? If so, what?

Rexie: I think that there are many steps as a community that we can do. I could carpool to work with my coworkers, make sure that I limit the amount of energy I use, and the list goes on. As a community, I think that we would benefit from the widespread knowledge of the consequences of our actions. If we became aware of our actions, we may be more conscious in changing our decisions.

I really enjoyed asking Rexie a few questions. I hope that she provided you with some more insight on what we can do as a community to improve the environment. Although Rexie mentioned a few options, there are always COUNTLESS others that we can research and implement into our daily lives.


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