What is better for the environment?

There is often a common misconception for those that are advocating for the environment. This post is going to be a debate between two very common routes you can take. Reusing and recycling. These two options both provide the environment with healthy alternatives to ways that we are polluting the Earth.

Recycling is an alternative that allows us to break down our various recyclable products and use them again. This is a good choice compared to just throwing away something. Although this is the better alternative between throwing it away, it still requires the use of a lot of energy. Obviously, this is a fantastic alternative and is better for the environment, but I promote to use this only when absolutely necessary.

Reusing a product is definitely a good alternative to limit the amount of energy that we continue use. I think that this option is best because it makes us accountable and only buy and use what we need. This is an option that also allows us to be creative with the products we keep.

Between the two options that I mentioned above, I believe that reusing is the lease wasteful alternative. I know that it is common to believe that the best thing to do for the environment in this situation would be to recycle, but it may be best to attempt in reusing the item before getting rid of it. This in turn will help the environment because we are only recycling items that we can't use for another purpose. Reusing or repurposing items saves so much energy and creates a much happier planet.


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