The Lack of Awareness in Society

This post's title comes off a little strong. There are many things that this society is doing right, but when it comes to the environment it CLEARLY has not always a priority.

I am IRRITATED. I am ANNOYED. Many people are willing to place blame onto others (generations, countries), but are unwilling to step up and create a change for the well-being of our future. The future of our world is in the hands of those that are willing to stand up and demand BETTER.

As I have mentioned very many times, there are so many simple ways that we can get involved and make a difference. Although it may seem as though these few changes won't make a difference, THEY DO.

In the mainstream media, people ARE advocating for what is right, whether that be by promoting donation pages, or many other ideas, but I feel as though those have not made a difference. In my opinion, those pages show people issues, but they don't make them feel personal, so they are easily written off and forgotten. It is on us to make sure that these issues don't get brushed off because this is happening in OUR world and isn't going away anytime soon.

I urge you to go out and make a stand for what is right and think of the future of our planet. Whether that be for your future kids or for yourself, you can change the world. The example you set for yourself and others CAN and WILL start a chain reaction. It's up to you and me.


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