Hi readers! My name is Alexis Lanier and I created LiquifyLife Eco Company. This company allows me to reach into my creative side and imagine how one idea can change the world. I'm a curious and motivated learner, going into my senior year of college.I am studying Business Administration and Human Resources. These two areas of business are both very important to my company's success and also pay a big role in my decision to start this company. I am a very strong advocate for doing what is right and with this business and our reusable items made out of recyclable materials will help improve the quality of life for those that we share the planet with along with ourselves. The world around us is becoming more and more environmentally conscious and it is definitely an important issue that needs to be resolved. This company solves a problem that many people have ignored for far too long. Our hope is to improve the awareness that our actions can have consequences and it is our responsibility to do something positive with that. There is always something that we can do to help those around us and it is in the best interest of everyone to help out and make life a little easier!
If you have any questions for me or you would like to learn more about my ideas or just have a comment, feel free to contact me. I'm always open to learning more from others and making a connection, don't be afraid to reach out! Also if you are interested in purchasing some eco-friendly LiquifyLife products please check out our company store: https://www.cafepress.com/liquifylifeecocompany
Getting involved is something that plays a HUGE role in the success of a business like this. It is essential and critical to the improvement and widespread growth of this product. To get involved there are many different options available to you. In the future we are going to be launching our ambassador program. This program is an opportunity for you and your friends to become a part of our company as well as helping promote our brand. We will be launching the application for this program in the next few weeks. If you are chosen you will be given a free product of your choosing along with many other benefits. All of these will be given to you in the promise that you help in promoting our business. An option for you would be to promote our product through your various forms of social media, but the decision is ENTIRELY up to you! If you decide you don't want to apply for our ambassador program there are still so many ways that you can get involved in our company o...
There are many different directions and choices that a company must decide on when coming up with their approach. Many companies loosely follow regulations for the environment. If there were greater regulations and precautions, they could help improve the environment and start a nationwide movement. I know that these companies have a lot to weight in their decision . It is essential that they compare both prices and regulations, but the environment needs to be put at a higher priority. Many companies are aware of the fact that what they do is not benefiting the Earth. I think that as the consumer, we have way more pull in what companies do than we like to think. If we stop supporting companies that pollute the environment or produce more waste than is necessary, we can change the way that they operate. What if there was a rule in place that made companies follow more serious regulations? The possibilities could be endless. The choices that companies have can greatly affect the c...
There are many successful companies in this niche, but one that I'm going to review is MudLove and their bracelets. MudLove is a company very similar to my own, where each purchase of a product goes towards providing clean water to those in need. Their products are made out of clay or "mud". Their company and product are helping to spread hope to the hopeless. In my opinion, something that makes this product and company so SPECIAL is their ability to give back. I usually have trouble spending money on myself, but when I realize that my money goes towards someone in need, it's a no-brainer. I personally own many bracelets from MudLove and they are a very high-quality product. The product itself is adjustable, so that it can fit to many different people. I like how you are able to personalize the product to your liking or even get a group order on their products. MudLove bracelets are a fun way to spice up a bracelet stack and a good way to show off your personal...
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