
This page documents LiquifyLife's Recommendation page! On this article, I'm going to go over the various products, stores, and information articles we recommend that will help enable you to live a GREENER LIFE! As you may know if you have surfed through our other pages you realize that we stand for making the world for environmentally conscious. The products that we recommend to you, we have tested out various versions of, but it may not be one of the specific types that we recommend. The thought behind each of these products is the same though, with the goal here is to limit the waste produced and to help the environment.

PRODUCTS: The products that we use can ultimately play a huge affect in the health of our environment. If we continue to use products that require too much plastic or use non-eco friendly materials, we will aid in the destruction of our home. It is essential that we choose products that stand for and support the health of our planet.
  1. Reusable Straws: The connivance of a straw is unmatchable. I LOVE straws, but I'm not willing to risk the health of the environment. There are many affordable options out there that provide you with the comfort of a straw, but is reusable. I have used many different types of reusable straws and they all replace the comfortability of the straws that we are used to. The various straws have been made out of glass, paper, and other products. Often times if you purchase a reusable cup that has a straw, it comes with that. One benefit of buying your own individual straw is that you aren't restricted on which cup you drink out of. It allows you to not produce an excessive amount of plastic waste. I think that this is one of the easier ways that we can help clean up the environment. 
  2. Reusable Cups: Many people will use a new plastic water bottle everyday. These in turn end up in recycling or in the dump creating more waste for the environment. If you switch over to a reusable cup it will greatly decrease your waste. Although there are many products like this that are made out of plastic, having one compared to a new one everyday, will make a difference. Changing the cups you use to a recyclable or reusable version allows you to produce less plastic waste in the environment. I use a reusable stainless steel cup everyday to carry my water or coffee. I think that it is easily one of my better purchases because it enables me to have the connivance of a travel cup, without the guilt of being wasteful.
  3. Reusable Bags: I don't even want to think about the amount of plastic bags that are floating around in the ocean or in landfills. Plastic bags are easily one of the most produced types of waste. I understand that in some situations it is impossible to avoid receiving these types of bags, but there are ways to recycle this if you do. At many grocery stores there are designated areas right when you walk in the doors for old plastic bags. This is a way for them to recycle and reduce waste. I personally have many reusable bags for my groceries. This allows me to bag my groceries in one big bag rather than having multiple plastic bags. I am able to reduce the amount of plastic waste I produce because I'm attempting to eliminate plastic bags. I also found that many of these bags are very cheap and located in many check out aisles of stores. This is a fantastic alternative for you and is definitely beneficial to the environment.
STORES: There are very many environmentally conscious stores and websites that we could link to our website, but I thought I would share these two with you. I love both of these companies and what they stand for and I am looking forward to what they do for OUR future.
  1. Package Free Shop: I found that this company is doing a fantastic job of promoting green living. They sell the green products that you want without all of the wasteful plastic packaging. This isn't something that I'm super familiar with, but I will definitely be looking for my future purchases from here.
  2. MudLove: I LOVE this website. The products and materials they use and sell are fantastic. I bought one of their bracelets and it is adorable. Their products are made out of clay, which is way better for the environment than traditional products. 
ARTICLES: These are some articles that I would keep in mind when it comes to deciding to business with a company. These sites or articles will also allow you to gain more information on many areas that you may not be very knowledgeable about. I found these articles especially helpful if you have any unanswered questions when researching how to live a greener life. 
  1. "Greenwashing": Deceptive Business Claims of "Eco-Friendliness"
  2. What is Being Eco-friendly?
  3. 11 Companies Considered Best for the Environment
As I have mentioned on some of my other posts, there is no right or wrong way to help the environment. The ideas and products that I have recommended are great and WILL improve the world, but it is up to you to make that decision now. The ultimate goal is to create and pass down green living. If we are able to raise for children in a green environment, there is nothing stopping us from changing the world. It all starts with a little bit of momentum and this is a great start. We have made a big move in the last few years, but it is time to continue with that. Please help in our effort to SPREAD and PROMOTE GREEN LIVING.

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